Wednesday 17 October 2012

Spirited Lions deliver second win

ESPN Cricinfo
FollowfLikeOctober 17, 2012 

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Gulam Bodi scored a half-century to lead Lions to a six-wicket win over Chennai Super Kings at Newlands
Gulam Bodi scored a half-century to lead Lions to a six-wicket win over Chennai Super Kings at Newlands
© Associated Press
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Spirited Lions deliver second win

The asking rate for Lions hit 10 an aver at the end of the seventh over, they had no momentum and they looked rather like cubs in the headlights, but over the next 13 overs they kept up with the rate without a hint of panic...

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Lions celebrate after a thrilling win, Chennai Super Kings v Lions, Group B, Champions League Twenty20, Cape Town, October 16, 2012Chris Morris plays towards the off side, Chennai Super Kings v Lions, Group B, Champions League Twenty20, Cape Town, October 16, 2012
Lions celebrate after a thrilling win, Chennai Super Kings v Lions, Group B, Champions League Twenty20, Cape Town, October 16, 2012 © Associated Press
Chris Morris plays towards the off side, Chennai Super Kings v Lions, Group B, Champions League Twenty20, Cape Town, October 16, 2012 © Associated Press
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8The number of instances of batsmen scoring 400-plus runs and picking up 20-plus wickets in a series. Who is the only player to do so twice?
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