Saturday 6 October 2012

A celebration of funk and flair

ESPN Cricinfo
FollowfLikeOctober 07, 2012 

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Darren Sammy and Mahela Jayawardene with the trophy their teams will be fighting for in the World Twenty20 final
Darren Sammy and Mahela Jayawardene with the trophy their teams will be fighting for in the World Twenty20 final
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Hats off to Taufel

The world cricket community is united in doffing its collective headgear to one of the finest umpires of them all. By Daryl Harper
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The Chuck Fleetwood-Smiths: Chris Gayle never leaves, Shane Watson never turns up and the two chucks prove how genius they are (00:08:58)
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A celebration of funk and flair

ESPNcricinfo previews the World Twenty20 final between Sri Lanka and West Indies in Colombo...

Great rivals battle for top prize

ESPNcricinfo previews the women's World Twenty20 final, which brings together two great rivals, Australia and England...

Ashraf aims to take Pakistan to No. 1

Zaka Ashraf, the PCB chairman, has said discipline and a focus on youth would take the team to the next level...
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Latest Photos

Ian Botham plays a shot at the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship, Kingsbarns, October 6, 2012Ian Botham plays golf at the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship, Kingsbarns, October 6, 2012
Ian Botham plays a shot at the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship, Kingsbarns, October 6, 2012 © Getty Images
Ian Botham plays golf at the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship, Kingsbarns, October 6, 2012 © Getty Images
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Recent Results

Australia v West Indies at Colombo (RPS)

Oct 5 West Indies won by 74 runs

Sri Lanka v Pakistan at Colombo (RPS)

Oct 4 Sri Lanka won by 16 runs

India v South Africa at Colombo (RPS)

Oct 2 India won by 1 run

Australia v Pakistan at Colombo (RPS)

Oct 2 Pakistan won by 32 runs

Number Crunching

18The most fifty-plus scores for a team in World Twenty20 games. Name the team.
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