Wednesday 24 October 2012

Pybus to quit as Bangladesh coach

ESPN Cricinfo
FollowfLikeOctober 24, 2012 

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Against Perth, Auckland failed to chase down the 141 they needed to stay alive in the Champions League
Against Perth, Auckland failed to chase down the 141 they needed to stay alive in the Champions League
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Pybus to quit as Bangladesh coach

Richard Pybus has confirmed he will not return to Bangladesh to coach the national side...

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Heavy rain after the toss in Centurion meant the final league match of Champions League T20 was abandoned without a ball being bowled...

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Marcus North, Perth Scorchers' captain, confirmed that breaches of team discipline harmed the squad's Champions League campaign but would not name which players were involved...
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The covers are adjusted in Centurion, Titans v Delhi, Champions League T20, Group A, Centurion, October 23, 2012Michael Beer celebrates a wicket with Luke Ronchi, Auckland Aces v Perth Scorchers, Champions League T20, Centurion, October 23, 2012
The covers are adjusted in Centurion, Titans v Delhi, Champions League T20, Group A, Centurion, October 23, 2012 © AFP
Michael Beer celebrates a wicket with Luke Ronchi, Auckland Aces v Perth Scorchers, Champions League T20, Centurion, October 23, 2012 © Getty Images
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