Saturday 20 October 2012

CSK score tight win in dead-rubber

ESPN Cricinfo
FollowfLikeOctober 21, 2012 

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A big crowd descended at the National Stadium in Karachi to watch Pakistan All Star XI play against International XI
A big crowd descended at the National Stadium in Karachi to watch Pakistan All Star XI play against International XI
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CSK score tight win in dead-rubber

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Tabish Khan celebrates his second wicket, Jermaine Lawson, Pakistan All Star XI v International XI, Karachi, October 20, 2012Shapoor Zadran top scored with 42, Pakistan All Star XI v International XI, Karachi, October 20, 2012
Tabish Khan celebrates his second wicket, Jermaine Lawson, Pakistan All Star XI v International XI, Karachi, October 20, 2012 © AFP
Shapoor Zadran top scored with 42, Pakistan All Star XI v International XI, Karachi, October 20, 2012 © AFP
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