Friday 19 October 2012

Rain washes out third CLT20 game

ESPN Cricinfo
FollowfLikeOctober 20, 2012 

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Shahid Afridi and Sanath Jayasuriya with the trophy in Karachi ahead of the match between Pakistan All Star XI and International World XI
Shahid Afridi and Sanath Jayasuriya with the trophy in Karachi ahead of the match between Pakistan All Star XI and International World XI
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'Biggest challenge is making the international calendar work'

ICC chief Dave Richardson talks about the proliferation of T20 leagues, corruption in the game, and the role of technology
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Rain washes out third CLT20 game

A third successive evening game in the Champions League Twenty20 was washed out today, in Durban...

'PCB sending wrong message'

Ehsan Mani, the former ICC chief, feels that though the two matches to be played this weekend will boost Pakistan's reputation as a viable host for international cricket, they won't be enough to convince Test teams to play in Pakistan yet...

Bond back in black as bowling coach

Shane Bond replaces Damien Wright as New Zealand's bowling coach...
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Shahid Afridi and Sanath Jayasuriya with the trophy in Karachi, Karachi, October 19, 2012Nazmul Hassan, the new BCB president, is greeted by board directors and party supporters at the board's headquarters in Mirpur, October 19, 2012
Shahid Afridi and Sanath Jayasuriya with the trophy in Karachi, Karachi, October 19, 2012 © AFP
Nazmul Hassan, the new BCB president, is greeted by board directors and party supporters at the board's headquarters in Mirpur, October 19, 2012 © BCB
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