Thursday 18 October 2012

Pietersen in squad for India Tests

ESPN Cricinfo
FollowfLikeOctober 19, 2012 

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Rohit Sharma failed to build on a start in Mumbai Indians' washed-out match against Yorkshire in Cape Town
Rohit Sharma failed to build on a start in Mumbai Indians' washed-out match against Yorkshire in Cape Town
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Pietersen in squad for India Tests

Kevin Pietersen's exile from the England side has ended with his addition to the squad for the tour of India...

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Kieron Pollard bats in a beanie, Mumbai Indians v Yorkshire, Group B, Champions League T20, Cape Town, October 18, 2012Dinesh Karthik reverse-sweeps, Mumbai Indians v Yorkshire, Group B, Champions League T20, Cape Town, October 18, 2012
Kieron Pollard bats in a beanie, Mumbai Indians v Yorkshire, Group B, Champions League T20, Cape Town, October 18, 2012 © Getty Images
Dinesh Karthik reverse-sweeps, Mumbai Indians v Yorkshire, Group B, Champions League T20, Cape Town, October 18, 2012 © Getty Images
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