Thursday 20 December 2012

Yuvraj sets up comprehensive win

ESPN Cricinfo
FollowfLikeDecember 21, 2012 

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Yuvraj Singh hit 38 and took three wickets in India's five-wicket win in the first Twenty20 in Pune
Yuvraj Singh hit 38 and took three wickets in India's five-wicket win in the first Twenty20 in Pune
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Yuvraj sets up comprehensive win

Yuvraj Singh's spell of left-arm spin upended England's innings and then his burst of hitting smoothened India's path to a comprehensive victory...

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MS Dhoni makes friends with one of the security dogs, India v England, 1st T20, Pune, December 20, 2012MS Dhoni guided India across the line, India v England, 1st T20, Pune, December 20, 2012
MS Dhoni makes friends with one of the security dogs, India v England, 1st T20, Pune, December 20, 2012 © BCCI
MS Dhoni guided India across the line, India v England, 1st T20, Pune, December 20, 2012 © BCCI
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India v England at Pune

Dec 20 India won by 5 wickets (with 13 balls remaining)

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Number Crunching

15The number of players to be run out on 99 in Tests. Who was the first batsman to be dismissed in such a manner?
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