Wednesday 5 December 2012

SA clinch victory to confirm top spot

ESPN Cricinfo
FollowfLikeDecember 04, 2012 

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Chappell: No clear replacement for Ponting
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Switch Hit: Giles for Flower. Finn for Broad? Will England's rotation policy come back to bite them? (00:32:41)
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SA clinch victory to confirm top spot

South Africa embossed their No. 1 ranking with a fearful hiding of Australia in the series-deciding third Test in Perth...

At the end, Ponting returns to roots

Ricky Ponting has always been a tough cricketer. But his emotional side, for once, came to the surface when he spoke after his final Test for Australia...

Finn fit, could replace Broad

Steven Finn has declared himself fit for selection for the third Test and looks set to displace Stuart Broad in England's team...
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Aaron Redmond fell for 98, Auckland v Otago, Plunket Shield, Auckland, December 3, 2012Dean Bartlett took his first five-wicket haul for Auckland, Auckland v Otago, Plunket Shield, Auckland, December 3, 2012
Aaron Redmond fell for 98, Auckland v Otago, Plunket Shield, Auckland, December 3, 2012 © Getty Images
Dean Bartlett took his first five-wicket haul for Auckland, Auckland v Otago, Plunket Shield, Auckland, December 3, 2012 © Getty Images
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