Wednesday 5 December 2012

India under pressure amid pitch spin

ESPN Cricinfo
FollowfLikeDecember 05, 2012 

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Chappell: No clear replacement for Ponting
Chappell: No clear replacement for Ponting
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'I don't think it's fair to call the BCCI a bully'

N Srinivasan acknowledges India has an influential role to play in world cricket but rejects the perception that it controls the other boards
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Press Conference: Australia coach Mickey Arthur reflects on the series defeat against South Africa, and Ricky Ponting's retirement (00:05:07)
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India under pressure amid pitch spin

ESPNcricinfo previews the third Test between India and England with the series level at 1-1...

England's mood is quite a turn up

There has been a quiet confidence around the England team in the build-up to the Kolkata Test and a sense that history is within their grasp ...

A short, compelling narrative

You could have argued for a longer series, but this one was close to perfect...
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Jackie Janmohammed, Cricket Kenya's new chairman, Nairobi, December 4, 2012Abhishek Nayar celebrates his five-for, Mumbai v Bengal, Ranji Trophy, Group A, Mumbai, 4th day, December 4, 2012
Jackie Janmohammed, Cricket Kenya's new chairman, Nairobi, December 4, 2012 © AFP
Abhishek Nayar celebrates his five-for, Mumbai v Bengal, Ranji Trophy, Group A, Mumbai, 4th day, December 4, 2012 © Fotocorp
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Australia v South Africa at Perth

Nov 30-Dec 3 South Africa won by 309 runs

Bangladesh v West Indies at Khulna

Dec 2 Bangladesh won by 160 runs

Bangladesh v West Indies at Khulna

Nov 30 Bangladesh won by 7 wickets (with 58 balls remaining)

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11The most five-fors for visiting spinners at a venue in India. Name the venue.
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